Get to know about Restoration of Life Through Jesus Christ Ministries

We believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth, also in Jesus Christ His only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate and was crucified, died and buried. He descended into hell, the third day he rose again from the dead and ascended into heaven. Jesus sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from where He will come to judge the living and the dead. .

Sunday Gatherings

You are no longer a visitor to us here at Restoration, but you are now considered a friend. We are grateful that you have taken the time to visit our site. Our prayer is for you to experience full Restoration in every capacity of your life. We hope to have the opportunity to fellowship with you in the near future.

Time & Location

Join us every Sunday for Enrichment Classes is at 9:30am, followed by Sunday morning worship service at 11:00am. Midweek Empowerment every Wednesday at 7:30pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM Corporate Prayer 8:00 PM Bible Study

FRIDAY 7:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 7:30 PM Healing & Deliverance Service

SUNDAY 9:00 AM Corporate Prayer 9:30 AM Sunday School 11 AM Morning Worship

There is no dress code here at Restoration of Life. All people from all walks of life are more than welcome to come and fellowship with us and experience the true love of Jesus Christ. Here at Restoration of Life Through Jesus Christ Ministries, our main focus is that you are restored and healed inwardly and thus the inner change will overflow to the outward man.



FRIDAY SERVICE-Restoration’s Little Ones is available immediately following the Ministry of Giving. (Children Ages 6 Weeks to 3 Years of Age are welcome)

SUNDAY SERVICE-The Nursery is available at 9:30 AM (children 6 week to 4 years of age)

We Believe God’s commissioned authority, anointing, and purpose to the five fold ministry of:

♦Apostles ♦Prophets ♦Evangelists ♦Pastors ♦Teachers

We believe according to God’s Word that He called the five fold ministry to do the following:

♦Equip the Saints for fulfilling their membership in the body of Christ. ♦Establish saints in workable knowledge of the Word of God. ♦Mature saints in the fruit of the Spirit, righteousness conformed to Christ likeness. ♦Prophetically help souls know their membership ministry in the body of Christ. ♦Reach, train, impart, activate, mentor and mature saints in their ministries. ♦Bring revelation and impartation for saints of the last days ministry of the church. ♦Demonstrate and lead the saints in reaping the great end-time harvest. ♦Be officers in the training and equipping the saints to be soldiers in the army of the Lord.

Generally, there is an invitation extending to any potential members at the closing of every service at Restoration of Life. At this time you are welcomed to come forward to accept the invitation and a member of the New Members Committee will assist you.
You will be asked to present a copy of your Ordination Papers to your Care Pastor to be forwarded to the Apostles for further review.
A person who has the call of a Pastor, has been recognized by the Apostles of this house, and has been licensed under this ministry. The Care Pastor has been appointed and released by the Apostles to share the care and spiritual nurturing for the people of God. The role of a Care Pastor is based on the scriptures found in Exodus 18:17-26.
Tithing, along with giving offerings, is the method God has placed in effect for His children to prosper. When you give into the Kingdom, you are planting seed that will grow into a financial harvest, because there is a reciprocal relationship involved. In other words, as you give to God, your heavenly Father gives back to you! This is why Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring ALL the tithes into the storehouse” — not part of the tithes, but ALL — “That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this, Says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.” (NKJV)

What to expect

A warm and inviting atmosphere full of love. We are a family and you will be welcomed in a way that is reflective of the love Jesus has for all of us. If you have questions while you are visting, our ushers are positioned to address any immediate questions you may have.

Get connected

We have several opportunities for you to serve.  Click the “Connections” tab to stay in the loop and see all the great this we are doing in the community and ministry.

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